Don’t miss our team’s informative presentations

The future of the Open Web is Composable

The future of the open web is composable

Wenesday, August 16, 2023 - 9:00 AM to 9:50 AM MDT
Hotel Andaluz

Session Track Javascript

Bree Benesh

Sales Solutions Architect

Bryan Gruneberg

Sales Solutions Architect

Headless CMS platforms and tools are becoming increasingly centralized. The problems with the walled content gardens of Social Networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc are becoming the problems of the Web more generally as content management moves more and more into SaaS-based products.

SaaS-model CMS tools are selected because - from an operational perspective - they are often hassle-free. But we are trading our freedom to host and manage our content where we want, using the tools we want, for centralized content monopolies. The Open Web is under threat.

With our deep backgrounds in Open Source software, Bryan and Bree will explain why they believe that Composable Architectures deployed on a Composable Web Platform represent much more than just developers separating front-end and back-end tools. Taking a broader view, a Composable Architecture that leverages an Open Source Composable Web Platform can liberate and empowers developers to create specialized stack of tools - which are just as easy to deploy, maintain, and scale as the available SaaS tools. Containers, Kubernetes, and Lagoon make it easy for developers to choose an Open Web friendly approach, easily hosting the tools they need, in an Open Source based platform.

-- Bryan Gruneberg from Workshop Orange - a fully remote digital consultancy - will cover why Workshop Orange believes that is the Composable Web platform for businesses and developers who care about the Open Web.

-- Bree Benesh from will explain Lagoon (the Open Source application delivery software) and the versatility of the platform which supports multiple languages, apps, and frameworks.

Attendants will learn about's developer-friendly approach, and how the platform enables easy design, deployment, distribution, modification, and decommissioning of specific parts, providing the desired flexibility.

Together Bryan and Bree will demonstrate to participants how a Composable Web project is made up of a NextJS frontend, a headless CMS backend, and a Python-based additional service, all running in the same open source hosting and application delivery stack.

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How to use AI in a decoupled and composable architecture

How to use AI in a decoupled and composable architecture

Wednesday, August 16, 2023 - 10:45 AM to 11:35 AM MDT
Hotel Andaluz

Session Track Headless

Michael Schmid

Michael Schmid

Head of Technology and Co-founder

Artificial Intelligence is here and is meant to stay. Like Decoupled Days in 2017 was ahead of its time and gave us a sneak peek at what is going to happen in the years ahead in Decoupled Architectures, we think similar things are going to happen with AI as well.

So let's look at how we can use AI for decoupled and composable architectures, not just in a theoretical way but with actual real-life examples. Here are a couple of things we have already up and running:

1. How to run pre-trained Models in a decoupled architecture.

2. Different ways to train your own LLM (Large Language Models) and use it in a decoupled architecture.

3. What other AIs (Image generation, etc) exist, and how they could be used in a decoupled architecture?

In this session, you will learn what different AIs are, their capabilities, how to use them, and how they might change how we build applications in the future.

(Image created using Midjourney)

Stop by and say hello to the friendly team!

Stop by the booth to learn all about our current and future plans for using AI for decoupled and composable architectures.
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The future is composable
Learn about as your composable web partner

Composable web is the future and there is no better partner than! Come chat to us about where you are, and how we can help bring you into the future with our flexible, developer-first approach.

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Next-generation solutions
The Future of AI Hosting

We're expanding our services to the world of AI! Our new AI Hosting service leverages our deep technical infrastructure knowledge, providing a secure and reliable environment for your AI models. Come chat with us to find out more.

Get some amazeeng swag, including stickers, and SproutWorld™ pencils.
Grab some swag
Don’t miss our “compos(t)able” swag

Our hosting platform is composable, but our swag is compostable! ;) We’re giving away SproutWorld™ pencils you can plant in your garden. Gardening enthusiasts, stop by.

We'll also have some awesome interactive stickers to build out your own composable technology stack. Don't miss 'em!