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Welcome aboard, Sean! is proud to introduce Sean Hamlin — our new Technical Account Manager.

Sean began his career as a Customer Service Representative at Inland Revenue, while studying Engineering at Massey University. This role led to a second position in Wellington, where he ultimately ended up joining the web team.

After working with Catalyst IT on Drupal projects, he joined the company and spent the next 4 years expanding his knowledge of Drupal and creating many successful projects.

Next, Sean joined the team at Acquia as a Technical Account Manager. Fast forward 5 years, he was one of Acquia’s Principal Technical Account Managers, looking after the largest customers in Asia Pacific.

Knowing Thom Toogood from Drupalsouth, who was also a fellow New Zealander, the two began discussing Kubernetes and the cool things that is up to, so he decided to join the team. We’re excited to have you aboard, Sean!
